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DOWNLOAD - What If... Sayuri vs. Yubari (World Title Match)
Title : What If... Empress Sayuri vs. The Grand Yubari (World Title Match) Cast : Empress Sayuri The Grand Yubari Format: Download (Hi-Res 640X480) Length: 33:00 Minutes
Description: What If... Empress Sayuri vs. The Grand Yubari (World Title Match) What if... The Grand Yubari got a title shot against her mentor the Empress Sayuri during the height of her RingDivas Career? Who would have emerged from this one-on-one battle as the Womens World Champion? Well with our newest line of products "What If..." you get to see this question answered. Don't miss this epic matchup between these two RingDivas Superstars!!!
Moves : Uppercut Low Blow, Sleeper Hold & Body Scissors Combo, Throat Punch, Camel Clutch, Head Scissors, Hair Pulling, Full Nelson, Head Slam, Gut Knees, Forearm Gut Smash, Rear Naked Choke, Front Face Lock, Dragon Sleeper, Face Rub, Figure Four Leg Lock, Triangle Choke, Boston Crab, Foot Choke, Sleeper Hold, Yubari Lock, Over the Knee Back Breaker Stretch, Camel Clutch Submission Finish.