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DOWNLOAD - Cali Danger vs. Ultimate Gojirah (Aftermath 2011)
Title : "World Champion" Cali "GI" Danger vs. "Ultimate Gojirah (Aftermath 2011) Type : TITLE VS. STREAK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH!!! Type : YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MATCH TO BELIEVE IT!!! Cast : Cali Danger, Ultimate Gojirah Format: Download (Hi-Res 1024x576) Length: 13:39 Minutes
Description: Cali Danger vs. Ultimate Gojriah (Aftermath 2011) The main event has been set and has been set on fire and the roof is burning down the house. Newly Crowned Womens World Champion Cali "GI" Danger goes up against on of the largest female professional wrestling athletes in the world "The Ultimate" Gojirah and the Ultimate Gojirah has NEVER BEEN PINNED in the middle of the ring!!! Will Cali go down violently convulsing to the Asian Spike making Gojirah the new Womes World Champion??? Or will Cali be the first person to pin Gojirah's shoulders to the mat for the 1...2...3 count??? Find out at Aftermatch 2011!!!
Moves : Barefoot, Sleeper Hold, Split Leg Crotch Stomp, Multiple Big Booty Smash, Atomic Crotch Drop Low Blow, Jumping Belly Smash, Belly Claw, Body Dragging, Trash Talking, Hair Pulling, Full Nelson, Bear Hug, Camel Clutch, Boston Crab, Clothesline, Crotch Punch Low Blow, Back Body Drop, Face Mat Rub, Back Breaker Stretch & Belly Claw Combo, Rear Naked Choke, Throat Choke, Cali Face Bomb, Asian Death Spike, Convulsing, Extended Victory Pose.