Title: Diva Rumble Main Event (Diva Rumble 2012) PPD Add. Info: EMPRESS SAYURI'S FIRST EVEN DIVA RUMBLE APPEARANCE!!! Cast: Empress Sayuri, Destiny Dumon, Sam Sexton, Madison, Queen Arianna, Ultimate Gojirah, Vanessa Kraven Format: Download (Hi-Res 1024x576) Length: 22:22 Minutes
Description: Diva Rumble Main Event (Diva Rumble 2012) PPD
RingDivas® is proud to present the 2012 Diva Rumble!!! The biggest Diva Rumble in history is upon us as we see for the first time Empress Sayuri competing in her very first ever Diva Rumble!!! Along with Empress Sayuri, Destiny Dumon, Sam Sexton, Ultimate Gojirah, Maidson, Queen Arianna, Vanessa Kraven enter the match to see who will face "Womens World Champion" Cali Danger in the main event of Divamania!!!
Moves : Barefoot, Sleeper Hold, Over the Shoulder Lift and Carry, Big Booty Smash, Running Shattered Dreams Low Blow Kick, Vicious Hair Pulling, Face Slap, Jumping Head Bunt Crotch Smash Low Blow, Multiple Vicious Split Leg Turnbuckle Football Punt Crotch Kick Low Blows, Body Dragging, Vicious Hoisted Throat Choke, Neck Wrench, Coughing, Spine Turnbuckle Smash, Foot Stomps, Double Axe Handle Smash, Turnbuckle Head Smash, Eye Rake, Side Bear Hug, Vicious Belly Punches, Uppercut Low Blow, Face Mat Slam, Split Leg Crotch Stomp, Ass Stomp, Full Nelson, Belly Stomp, Viper Lock Submission (Head Scissors), Single Leg Boston Crab, Rear Naked Choke and Body Scissors Combo, Jumping Double Leg Drop, Jumping Jaw Drop Smash, Jumping Elbow Drop, Blatant Throat Choke, Foot in Crotch Grinding, Boston Crab, Uppercut Low Blow, Catfight Roll, Double Leg Scissors Lock, Ankle Lock, Bear Hug, Turnbuckle Back Smash, Rolling Senton Double Heel Crotch Kick, Footbal Punt Crotch Kick Low Blow.