DOWNLOAD - Cali Danger vs. Teen Summer (No Holds Barred 2013)
Title : Cali Danger vs. Teen Summer (No Holds Barred 2013) Type : FREE PREVIEW OF ABDUCTED "THE MOVIE" STARRING CALI DANGER!!! Type : DON'T MISS THIS VICIOUS BEATDOWN!!! Cast : Cali Danger, Teen Summer Format: .MP4 Download (720p High Definition) Length: 9:26 Minutes
Description: Cali Danger vs. Teen Summer (No Holds Barred 2013) What do you get when you put two of the hottest women to ever step foot into a RingDivas® ring (Cali Danger and Teen Summer) in a PPD match! Instant greatness!!! Fans asked for this match in droves and we are happy to oblige. Watch as the "Former World Champion" Cali Danger owns the ring and proves that she is a force to reckon with when she steam roles over poor Teen Summer in this high paced beatdown of a matchup. Watch as Cali Danger COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DESTROYS Teen Summer in the ring that she claims to be her own!!! Don't miss this HOT matchup from No Holds Barred 2013!!!
Moves : Barefoot, VICIOUS MULTIPLE Shattered Dreams Crotch Kick Low Blows, VICIOUS Split Leg Crotch Stomp Low Blow, Lockup, Full Nelson, Body Scissors, Vicious Foot Stomp, Bear Hug, Boston Crab, Camel Clutch, Taunting, Blatant Throat Choke, Elbow to Face Smash, Jumping Elbow Smash, Jumping Inverted Atomic Crotch Drop Low Blow, Brutal Heel to Crotch Kick, Pinfall.