Moves : Barefoot, 2-on-1 Destruction, Clothes Removal, Atomic Crotch Drop Low Blow, Test of Strength, Uppercut Low Blow, Seated Full Nelson, Vicious Full Nelson and Belly Punching Combo, Big Bear Hug, Vicious Heel in Crotch Grinding, Full Nelson and Belly Punching Combo, Boston Crab, Boston Crab and Face Mat Rub Combo, Reverse Split Leg Heel in Crotch Kick, Foreign Object Throat Choke, Vicious Belly Claw, Double Team Foot on Throat Turnbuckle Choke, Big Booty Turnbuckle Smash, Shoulder Tackles, Arms Restrained Foot in Crotch Grinding, Arms Restrained and Figure Four Leg Lock Combo, Vicious Hair Pulling, Bow and Arrow Split Leg Back Stretch, Camel Clutch, Face Mat Rub, Blatant Throat Choke, Backflip Hand Spring Turnbuckle Elbow Smash, Abdominal Back Breaker Stretch, Long and Slow Sugar Hill Face Claw Sleeper Hold KO.