Moves : Barefoot, Rear Naked Choke, Uppercut Low Blow, Running Double Leg Drop Kick Shattered Dreams Low Blow, Vicious Forearm Smashes, TOP TURNBUCKLE BIG BODY SPLASH, Football Punt Crotch Kick Low Blow, Vicious Belly Kicks, Knee to Belly Smash, Vicious Shoulder Tackles, Head Butt Smash, Viper Strike, Foot Stomp, Running Body Splash, Face to Crotch Smash, Standing Viper Lock (Head Scissors), Boot to Throat Choke, Ass Kick, Repeated Head to Turnbuckle Smashes, Foot on Throat Choke, Side Headlock, Rear Naked Choke and Body Scissors Combo, Blatant Throat Choke, Boston Crab, Foot on Neck Rope Throat Choke, Rolling Senton Turnbuckle Smash, Jumping Hammer Strike Low Blow, Camel Clutch, Knee Smash to Belly, Vicious Face Eye Rake, Drop Kick to the Face, Jumping Leg Drop, Hip Toss, TOP TURNBUCKLE ROLLING TORNADO DDT.