Title: Fantasy Stories Vol.1 (Cali Danger vs. Mia St. James) Notes: ALL NEW GEN2 (NEXT GENERATION) VIDEO TECHNOLOGY!!! Notes: (3) CAMERA ANGLE CRYSTAL CLEAR HIGH DEFINITION VIDEO SHOOT!!! Notes: CALI VS. MIA IN A WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH!!! Notes: MIA ST. JAMES' WRESTLING DEBUT!!! Notes: EDITORS CHOICE! 5 STAR FANTASY CUSTOM!!! Cast: Cali Danger, Madison Sex-Kitten, Serena Johnson, Mia St.James
Format: .MP4 Download (720p High Definition) Length: 18:07 Minutes
Moves : Barefoot, 3-On-1 Destruction, Vicious Uppercut Crotch Low Blow, Split Leg Crotch Stomps, Heel Crotch Kick Low Blow, Vicious Steel Chair Face Smash, (3x) Cali Bombs, Full Nelson, Lockup, Vicious Face Forearm Smashes, Boston Crab, Jumping Leg Drop, Vicious Rear Naked Choke, Camel Clutch, Foot Stomps, Vicious Arm Bar, Mia St. James KO Punch to Madison, Vicious Elbow Face Smash, Long Victory Poses, Long Low Blow Destruction, Brutal 3-on-1 Uppercut Low Blow, Steel Chair Throat Choke, Foot in Crotch Grinding, Steel Chair in Belly Grinding, Belly Claw, Madison Bow and Arrow Back Stretch, Sugar Hill Face Claw, Cali Bomb, 3-on-1 Victory Pose, Long Tip Toe / Heel Up / Foot on Victim Victory Pose.