Title: Gang Violence Vol.4 (Kati vs. Sam, Gojirah, Racquel & Destiny) Fantasy Custom Type: 4-ON-1 BEATDOWN ON KATI!!! Cast: Kati Summers, Sam Sexton, Ultimate Gojirah, Destiny Dumon, Racquel Colon Format/Length: Download (Hi-Res 1024x576) - 19:42 Minutes
Moves : 4-on-1 Beatdown, Hogtied and Bound, Vicious Belly Punches, Restrained Steel Chair Face Smash, Crying, Humiliation, Begging, Hair Pulling, Restrained Full Nelson / Gut Punch Combo, Belly Claw, Tree of Woe / Belly Punch Combo, Jumping Foreign Object Ab Smash, Camel Clutch, Neck Choke, Tossed around like Hot Potato, Knee Smash, Steel Chair Belly Smash, 4 way Restrained Back Breaker Stretch / Belly Punch Combo, Running Jumping Double Axe Handle Belly Smash, Foot Stomp, Machine Gun Belly Punches, Restrained Fourway Belly Punches, Rope Choke, Tree of Woe Steel Chair Belly Smash, Foot Choke, Humiliation Sweaty Glove Shoved in mouth, Shoulder Tackle, Jumping Round off Eblow Smash, Hogtied Belly Punch and Claw Combo, Jumping Foot Stomp, Torture Stretch, Stiny Sneaker Rubbed in face, New Sensation KO, Awaken then Jumping Stunner KO, Victory Pose