Moves : 4 on 1 Brutal BeatDown, Sneak Attack, Extreme Belly Torture, Uppercut Low Blow, Begging and Pleading, Ass Spanking, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Crawling, Dragging, Trash Talking, Tree of Woe on Turnbuckle, Fourway Extreme Belly Punching, Foreign Object Crotch Smash, Crotch Kick, Foriegn Object Mouth Gagging, Fourway Belly Claw, Uppercut Face Punch, Fourway Restrained Foreign Object Gut Smash, Fourway Restrained Foreign Object Throat Choke, Fourway Restrained Gut Punches, Fourway Restrained Gut Kicks, Multiple Machine Gun Punches, Back Breaker Stretch, Axe Handle Belly Smash, Belly Foot Grinding, Elbow Drop, Ankle Lock, Fourway Seated Belly Punches, Fourway Foot Choke, Munich Stretch (Crippler Crossface) Ankle Lock Combo, Suffocation KO, Victory Pose.