Moves : 3-on-1 Beat Down, Bound, Gagged and Beaten, Vicious & Brutal Chair Smashes to Face and Body, Legs Tied Together, Vicious Belly Punches, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Body Splash, Jumping Fire Extinguisher Smash, Fire Extinguisher Smash to Face, Fire Extinguisher Samsh to Belly, Jumping Elbow Smash, Foot Stomp, Tree of Woe, Tag Team Belly Punches, Belly Claw, Jumping Forearm Smash, Legs Spread Eagle, Back Breaker Stretch, Double Axe Handle Belly Smash, Machine Gun Belly Punches, Boston Crab, Blatant Neck Choke, Sensational Stretch (Chicken Wing Back Stretch), Foreign Object Neck Choke, Rope Choke, Split Leg Stretch Finish, Victory Pose.