DOWNLOAD - Hazel vs. Gojirah (Glory and Honor 2010)
Title : Hazel vs. Ultimate Gojirah (Glory and Honor 2010) Cast : Hazel, Ultimate Gojirah Format: Download (Hi-Res 1024x576) Length: 11:22 Minutes
Description: Hazel vs. Ultimate Gojirah (Glory and Honor 2010) The Utlimate Gojirah continues on her path of destruction and this time it is a RingDivas® veteran and former KOA World Champion "The Dynamite Kid" Hazel that steps up to the plate to take on the challenge. After a devastating KO causing her to lose her championship is stepping up to take on the Ultimate Gojirah too much too soon? Find out, watch this great matchup!!!
Moves : Barefoot, Staredown, Body Toss, Hair Pulling, Asian Throat Spike, Convulsion, Bear Hug, Body Dragging, Camel Clutch, Eye Rake, Spank, Inverted Atomic Drop, Boston Crab, Rope Choke, Full Nelston, Running Turnbuckle Body Splash, 3x Big Booty Smash, Victory Squat on Body Pose.