Moves : Torture Rack of Death, Trash Talking, Face Slap, Crying, Crawling on All Fours, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Two on One Revenge Beat Down, Double Team Extreme Gut Punches, Restrained and Gut Punched, Full Nelson & Gut Punch Combo, Ab Claw, Knee Smash, Double Team Seated Gut Punches, Neck Choke, Turnbuckle Tree of Woe (Hanging Upside Down), Tree of Woe Gut Punches, Tree of Woe Foot Choke, Gut Elbow Drop, Foot Stomp, Rope Choke, Gut Fist Grinding, Double Team Restrained Extreme Torture Rack Gut Punches, Double Team Torture Rack Gut Kicks, Eye Rake, Ab Claw, Shoulder Tackle, Double Team Neck Choke & Gut Punch Combo, 70+ Gut Punches, Pin, Prolonged Victory Pose including foot on neck.